We were really lucky to have Sophie, a talented fine art photographer who we met in Wagga Wagga, as our wedding photographer.
Here are a handful of my favourite pics. The one above is probably my most favourite, we were on our way out of the reception, totally elated and I'm wearing I dress I bought years before Tony proposed (yep! kind of crazy, my friends reassuring me that it's also kind of cute..)

This portrait of my father in the kitchen sums up how he spent his morning. While the girls were busy getting their hair and make up done, he was offering to make teas and coffees, and quietly tidying up the breakfast before we went to the wedding.
Brotherly love and a pageboy who just wanted his own bouquet:
This next one has a bit of a story behind it. On our very first date, Tony had brought a plastic bag full of lego men, which was also our excuse for meeting up. We'd met before, but only recently started chatting at a house party. I was looking for some for an art project I was working on, and he happened to have many, he said, which he would be happy to give to me.
I later found out that he had to go back to his parent's house to find aforementioned lego men, before we met up for lunch in the city. I chose 3, all special space men with helments, but didn't give all of them away as part of my project. I kept one, for sentimental reasons, and as a surprise I had it in my bouquet that day for good luck. This pic is the moment Tony found out it was there :)
My dad saved the day with this one, and when I couldn't find a way to wedge it into my bouquet, he brought out some fishing line which we used to secure the space man.

Happy, if not mildly overwhelmed.

Party mamas and a shot with my dear friend Jemma, who had had her first baby just 6 days before.
How my niece was entertained while her mum gave a speech - I love that Sophie captured all of these moments we couldn't possibly have seen for ourselves.
And a shot of our first dance, outside beneath fairy lights as it slowly started to sprinkle. Even though the faces are blurry in the background, I love that you can see that everyone was smiling, and so happy for us. I also love that everyone came dressed in such lovely colours, I will totally think twice about wearing black to a wedding again.