in the last week of august we've been increasingly restless, only we've been out of sync. last weekend it was tony who wanted to go somewhere, anywhere especially after hearing of what I ate in canberra but I was sick and struggled to find the energy to do anything except alternate between the bed and the couch.
and now after a very long week at work, I'm angling for a weekend getaway. I think it's partly to do with the change in weather and time of year. tiredness has built up and I'm desperate for a change of scene but sadly this week tony's come down with my cold.
but earlier in august we found a happy balance between the cold days of winter, work and pottering around the house. there has been lots of cooking and we're now managing to make a sourdough loaf each week, labna cheese from homemade yoghurt and the occasional sweet thing like super thin crepes. I've started making rice milk (the lazy no-cook way) and a really yummy bircher museli.
^^ here are a couple of snaps from a recent burger date in the park. they were yummy corner shop style burgers filled with drippy beetroot and bright yellow cheese. and we ate them in the winter's sun in our favourite park that we don't think has a name.
Well now I am curious about the park! Where is it, I'll try and find the name :)